Worker Organizing & Defense

 Immigrant workers, most all performing essential roles for society, regularly encounter verbal abuse, safety violations, sexual harassment, and wage theft while working here in Western Massachusetts. Many people feel trapped in stressful and even dangerous situations by a language barrier or a fear of losing their only source of income. 

At the Worker’s Center we believe that problems as big and pervasive as this one can only be solved by organizing and workers taking power into their own hands. We hold regular know your rights trainings and provide one-to-one support for immigrant workers who are experiencing problems at work, supporting them to exercise their rights on the job and organize to improve working conditions. We are proud to partner with Justice at Work, Food Chain Workers Alliance, Central West Justice Center, MassCosh, CISA, Greater Boston Legal Services, and Heisler Feldman & Ordorica to hold training sessions and connect workers to legal support when needed.

"Here I learned that although I am an immigrant that doesn’t mean that I don’t have rights. And just because I need the money, that doesn’t mean [my employer] can leave me aside as if I wasn’t worth anything." - PVWC Member 

"Aquí aprendí que aunque sea inmigrante eso no quiere decir que no tenga derechos. Y solo porque tengo necesidad, eso no quiere decir que me pueden dejar al lado como si no valiera nada." - Miembro del Centro Obrero


Justice at Work

Greater Boston Legal Services


Feldman & Ordorica

