Workers Center organizers at a rally for universal drivers licenses

Support Licenses for All!

After many years of fighting for driver’s licenses for all, in June 2022 we finally won this right. This victory the result of widespread community support, and collaborative organizing lead by Driving Families Forward, a coalition of organizations across the state. Since July 2023, all qualified state residents can apply for a standard Massachusetts driver’s license, regardless of immigration status. 

We have been working hard throughout the Connecticut River Valley from Springfield to Great Falls on helping to implement the new law so our community can access driver's licenses in collaboration with organizational partners Pioneer Valley Project and ACLU MA. Throughout 2023 and 2024 we have worked on information sessions, permit test study groups, road test sponsorship, translation of documents and everything in between to help our members successfully complete the process to become licensed drivers in MA. We have helped orient over 400 people in this process.


How can I help?

Be in solidarity with undocumented community members by volunteering as a Road Test Sponsor or by learning to translate documents required in the MA License application process. Click below to fill out our volunteer interest form!

Get Involved!

“Having a driver’s license is really important, because, in this country you truly need to drive. Every parent has to work to put bread on the table for their children, and often their work is far away from home.”

- Marcelino, Immigrant/PVWC member

“I received a call from a friend who’s husband was stopped by police on the highway.  I was on the phone with her when I heard the officer saying that they will arrest him and I heard their children’s voices, they were crying.  

- Hodaliz, Immigrant/PVWC organizer

[My life] has changed a lot [since getting a license]. My wife and I would get nervous, afraid of getting our car taken away and spending a ton of money to get it back and pay the fines. That’s a fear everyone in my community has felt while driving.

- Marcelino, Immigrant/Activist

These Businesses Support Immigrants' Right to Drive

Active Life

Emily Foxtrot

Hampshire Bicycle Exchange

Laughing Dog Bicycles

Riverside Fitness

Shaolin Kung Fu Center

Yoga Sanctuary



Astarte Farm

Atlas Farm

Crooked Lawn Farm

Dargoonian Farm

Foxtrot Farm

Growing A Bunch Farm

Hayward Cranberries

Hickory Dell Farm

Many Hands Farm Corp

Mountain View Farm

Park Hill Orchard

Pleasant Valley Gardens

Ride Fire Farm North, Montague

Riverland Farm

Sawmill Herb Farm

Simple Gifts Farm

Winter Moon Roots Farm


Arts & Entertainment

Codo Experiment

Drawn to Ecology


Janna Ugone & Co.

Oops! An Art Experience

Rhys May Jewelry

Rust Temple

Survivor Arts Collective

Wanderlust Tattoo

Winning Writers



Absolute Motors

C&H Auto Sales dba Champion Auto Deals

Cheryl's Automotive

D&B Auto Sales

KLM Auto Repair

Pelham Industrial Group Ltd.

Beauty & Spa

Barber 4 Life

Chameleons Salon

Cheap Thrills

Global Cuts, Amherst


Kim Lee Nails

Plush Beauty Studio Inc

Skin & Lashes By Yasmine


Health & Medical

Botanica Fizzy Apothecary

CLINIC Alternative Medicines

Community Accupunture, Greenfield

Cooley Dickenson Hospital

Karen Levine Acupuncture

Network Chiropratic, Greenfield

Northampton Vision Specialists

Vision Works



International Language Institute of Massachusetts


Financial Services

Pantoja Tax Service


Home Services

Amherst Eco Laundry

Cutting Edge Green Cleaning

Hyperion Systems

Wright Builders


Hotel & Travel

Elm Street Inn


Local Services

Copy Cat

Hampshire Property Management Group

Laptop & Computer Repair, Inc.

Tech Networks of Boston



Abandoned Building Brewery

Hawks and Reed, Greenfield

Majestic Saloon

The Monkey Bar



Community Involved in Sustainable Agriculture




Riverbend Animal Hospital


Professional Services

Accurate Writing & More

Collective Copies

Corliss Law

Going Beyond Sustainability

House of Mirth Photos

Ink and Toner Solutions Inc

Paradise Copies-Northampton

RC Communications

Seth Gregory Design

Whalen Insurance

William P. McDonald, Esq.


Restaurants & Food Service

Absolute Zero

Backyard Bread


Belly of the Beast

Bethania Market

Betty Grocery & Restaurant

Bistro 63

Blue Heron Restaurant & Catering

Captain Candy

Caravan Kitchen


Courtyard Cafe

Cushman Market

Elbow Room Coffee

Florence Pie Bar

Food City, Turners Falls

Fresh Side


Hazel's Kitchen

Henion Bakery

Honey & Wine

Hungry Ghost

Ice Cream Alley, Greenfield


Indigo Coffee Roasters

Lady Killigrew

Local Burger

Restaurants & Food Service

Luthiers Coop



Osaka Japanese Inc

Pasta e Basta

Pita Pockets

River Valley Co-op

Sibies Pizza, Amherst

Small Oven

Spices of Asia

Sutter Meats

Sweet Ideas Cafe

The Black Sheep

The People's Pint

The Roost

Thirsty Mind


Wheelhouse Farm

Woodstar Cafe



A.J. Hastings

All-Star Fashion

Amherst Books

Artisan Gallery, Northampton



Broadside Bookshop

Coamo Fashion


Glimpse of Tibet

High Five Books

Inspirit Crystals

Jackson & Connor

L&A Fine Men's Shop

Le Bonnton LLC

Mill River Music and Guitar

Odyssey Bookshop South Hadley

Oh My

Paul's Shoe Repair

Raven Used Books

Rooted Living

Roz's Place

Tall Dog Electronics

The Old Book Store

The Toy Box

Unnameable Books

“As President and CEO of Cooley Dickinson Health Care, I am particularly focused on the importance of this act to improving the health of our communities. In western Massachusetts and other rural areas, transportation is often cited by our communities as one of the barriers to accessing healthcare.”

- Joanne Marqusee, President/CEO Cooley Dickinson Health Care

“As a community-owned grocery store, engaged in supporting social justice and the ongoing development of the local food movement, it is important for River Valley Co-op to support this bill as a step in supporting the wellbeing, safety, and human rights of our immigrant community members.”

- Mark Devlin & Natasha Latour, River Valley Co-Op Grocery Store

“As farmers it’s not so easy. We depend on the weather and yes we depend on our labor force... We are the farmers that feed you. And you need to help the farmworkers that feed us as well. ”

- Michael Docter, Farmer

Why is this issue so important?

Driving is a Necessity

Fourteen other states have already expanded access to driver’s licenses.  Over 70% of Americans drive to work everyday. People need to drive to the hospital, to school, to buy food--to get most places they need to go. 





Privacy Protections

This new act includes privacy protections to prevent ICE from obtaining personal information of undocumented drivers.

Security Concerns

This act does not interfere with Federal Real-ID Laws, which require that state-issued driver’s licenses meet certain requirements if used as identification for domestic flights or entering federal buildings. Massachusetts already has two tiers of drivers licenses: one standard and one Real-ID compliant. Standard licenses state “Not for Federal ID”. Undocumented immigrants are only able to apply for Standard licenses.


Why is this an immigration and labor issue?

Driving without a license gets many people deported each year. It might not be a flashy phenomenon like a workplace raid, but it is a major source of anxiety and danger for many immigrants living in our communities.