Dignity Not Deportations

Many think of Massachusetts as a so-called “Sanctuary” state, but may not be aware that parts of both the state and county level governments here in Massachusetts collaborate actively with ICE through deputization and detention


Deputization is when local or state-level officials are under contract to perform functions of immigration enforcement through agreements called 287g. Currently Massachusetts has a state-level 287g contract in its Department of Corrections— A full time staff salaried by our tax dollars whose responsibility is to perform functions of ICE. 


We know that mass deportation plans are dependent on mass detention, facilitated by the renting of county jail space for use by ICE. The data shows that the more detention space available, the more active ICE becomes, targeting immigrants in surrounding areas. Massachusetts currently has one correctional facility with ICE detention, Plymouth County Correctional, and has had others in the past. Currently, no state protection limits the power of county Sheriffs to negotiate these types of contracts with ICE.

PVWC is part of the coalition working to pass a new MA Bill An Act Relative to Immigration Detention and Collaboration Agreements (HD.3596, SD.1107) that would make the following changes to MA law. 

  1. End existing 287g agreements in Massachusetts and prohibit new contracts.
  2. End existing IGSA contract renting beds from county jail to ICE detention and prohibiting any new contracts.

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